ECOPOETIKON Teaching Resources
We seek to make a range of resources available for people to access in schools, universities, and other organisations. These include:
We also welcome feedback on how you’ve used these resources, so please do get in touch if you’d like to share your experiences by emailing us at: info@ecopoetikon.coma
At Ecopoetikon, we define ecopoetry as poetry written with engaged ecological and social consciousness, although we acknowledge that the term has many definitions. For us, ecopoetry should be informed by a level of ecoliteracy, an awareness that we live within ecosystems and in reciprocal interaction with the more-than-human world (a term we borrow from David Abram, in Spell of the Sensuous, Perception and Language in a More-than-human World.)
We also see the intertwining social and ecological crises as having the same roots—i.e. globalised, industrial, white supremacist, patriarchal capitalism and materialism. And beyond that, a crisis of perception and imagination. For us, therefore, it’s important to feature poetry which includes social issues alongside the climate and wider ecological crises. And poems that inspire readers towards holistic restoration of human and more-than-human cultures.
Who should have the power to determine which poems are worth reading?
The Ecopoetikon editors aim to avoid exclusivity by including ecopoets nominated by others on the basis that they demonstrate commitment and creative innovation in their practice. In featuring poets from across the globe, we’re aware that some may not define themselves as ‘ecopoets’, because an ecological worldview is inherent in their culture, and evident in their traditional ecological knowledge.
Developing an ecological sense of self is often a project for poets who have been conditioned to think of themselves as separate from Nature. This process has often evolved alongside decolonising endeavours more generally, examining historic and ongoing legacies of colonialism and the racist attitudes it’s perpetuated, along with developing awareness of how issues of gender, class and faith intersect.
A variety of World Englishes may at times be a feature of poetry showcased on Ecopoetikon, and the editors seek to work with poets to ensure they’re comfortable with how they’re represented, including through translation where relevant.